God bless China, henan come on

Henan rainstorm affects the heart of every people, the disaster is heartless, there is love in the world, one side is difficult, p plus support, in the face of natural disasters, once again reflected our unity and friendship, our hearts in Henan, but more is moved.

On July 21, many enterprises donated to henan, stars donated to Henan, volunteers rushed to the front line. July 22, wei River area has breached the dike, in order to block the breach, a number of taxi owners will spontaneously put the vehicle into the river; In the evening, professional rescue workers from China Aneng arrived with the “rescue aircraft carrier” and transferred more than 1,000 people overnight. We have delivered the profound friendship of boundless love and mutual assistance. 5,290 troops, 30,000 public security police, 164,000 volunteers, 5,553 rescue teams from outside China and more than 400,000 Party members and officials have always stood with the people, worked together and suffered together, and worked together to overcome difficulties.

This disaster has once again proved that unity is strength. As long as we stand together, nothing can defeat us. As with the epidemic, so with the torrential rain. Go Henan, go China.

Post time: Jul-30-2021